Welcome To Twin Suns Outpost
Twin Suns Outpost TM is owned and operated by Eric Pfeifer and was established in 2015. The company was created out of Eric’s desire to further immerse himself and others in the fandom of Star Wars. Visitors to the site will find that Twin Suns Outpost is a landing place where Star Wars fans are encouraged to learn, share, collect, costume, and just simply be part of the franchise within a positive community environment.
Several podcasts that focus solely on Star Wars-themed topics were developed by Eric and can be found on the TSO website through his podcasting network. Descriptions of each of these monthly podcasts are provided below:
Twin Suns Transmission Podcast
It’s where to get your Star Wars fix, featuring news, reviews of Star Wars events and merchandise, plus Star Wars celebrity interviews and other special guests. Hosts: Eric Pfeifer and Jessie Cardella.
Ashla Analysis Podcast
Lively and in-depth Star Wars discussion (and sometimes debate!) focusing on all aspects of The Force. Hosts: Eric Pfeifer and Rachel Rossilli.
TSO Book Club
Each month a new canon Star Wars book is read and discussed. Hosts: Eric Pfeifer, Jessie Sanfillippo, and Amanda DiFonzo.
In addition to podcasting, Eric brings you news, updates, as well as in-depth analysis of new and exciting things happening around the Star Wars Universe through his blog posts published on the Twin Suns Outpost TM website and Facebook page. If you were at Celebration London (2016), you may have attended a collector’s panel that Eric hosted called, “Collecting at Any Age”. Eric also hosted a panel at Celebration Orlando (2017) called "Bounty Hunting For Exclusives". Look for him in future panel line-ups, as Eric has a growing list of topics he would love to present/discuss in public settings.
Please look for Eric where you find Star Wars fans in attendance, tune in to his regular Star Wars-themed podcasts on Twin Suns Transmission, and take a moment to read one of the many blog posts featured on this website!
Eric is a lifelong Star Wars fan who has one of the largest private Star Wars Collections in the Midwest (as featured in starwars.com on March 12, 2015). Eric’s Star Wars activities include regular attendance at Star Wars conventions and gatherings, collaborations with many on-screen and off-screen Star Wars celebrities, charity and benefit work with the 501st and Rebel Legions, and hosting of an annual private event in the Chicagoland area, known as Pfeifer-Con, which attracts many Star Wars fans and celebrities.

Eric credits his early love of Star Wars to his father and uncle, who introduced him to the story of Darth Vader on film and donated many vintage figures to go along with it. Later on, inspiration came by way of Steve Sansweet, owner/creator of Rancho Obi-Wan in Petaluma, California. Steve’s approachable nature, his love for the genre, his World Record status for his collection, and his relatability with Star Wars fans everywhere inspired Eric. Further, Eric was privileged to assist Steve in research and preparation for one of Steve’s many written works, “The Ultimate Action Figure Collection”, earning an acknowledgement in that book published in 2012.
In May of 2020, Eric and his collection was featured on a collector’s show called “Collector’s Call” hosted by Lisa Welchel from The Facts Of Life.