We don't know much about what will happen in The Force Awakens, but what we do know is that a little droid named BB-8 and a scavenger named Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) will have prominent roles. A little over a week ago, Force Friday launched the release of merchandise related to the upcoming Star Wars installment. Some of the most popular items released were the Black Series 6 inch figures. Five Black Series figures were released in the first wave with many more to come.
Rey (last name still unknown) appears to be one of the main protagonists in The Force Awakens. Her 6 inch Black Series figure also includes BB-8 and a staff that Rey is seen carrying in multiple scenes from the trailers. Let's take a closer look at this impressive collectible from Hasbro Toys...
The new packaging for this series of figures has a very sleek design to it. While holding it, it feels crisp and smooth. The plastic allows you to see most of Rey as well as BB-8. The outer covering contains art relating to the action figure and the back has a short description of the figure. The sides of the package also contain information. The right side of the box contains the name and number of the figure while the left has clear plastic so you can see the figure from the side.
The first thing I noticed upon opening the figure is that Hasbro did a great job getting the likeness of Daisy Ridley in this Rey figure and the costume is an accurate representation of what we have seen in the trailers. Rey's staff fits perfectly in her hand (which is always a good thing) and she's fully posable. Rey's shoulders, forearms, wrists, head, legs, knees and ankles all move allowing for her to be posed in all sorts of action-y positions.

Rey stands without a problem on her own and even has holes for pegs on the bottom of her feet for those who have action figure stands. BB-8 really surprised me as he didn't roll all over the place. The figure is weighted on the bottom to help keep him upright. His head is able to go forwards and backwards as well as spin around. Hasbro did a great job getting this droid to act like he does in the film. You can even pose him as if he is leaning out from behind something.
Rey and BB-8 are a great pair and I would definitely recommend picking them up. They are #2 in the first wave of the Black Series 6 Inch figures. These figures retail for $19.99 and can be found online or store like Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, etc.