During the time of the Galactic Civil War, very few factions were as prepared as the Galactic Empire for any problematic circumstances that could arise (save one small thermal exhaust port). Using fear and the Dark Side of the Force as tools to do his bidding, Emperor Palpatine had forces spread throughout the galaxy. Along with Darth Vader, many different types of troopers assisted the Emperor in his quest for galactic domination. Snowtroopers occupied frigid snow covered worlds, Scout Troopers (aka Biker Scouts) kept order on planets or moons where speeder bikes were conducive to the environment, and even Shadow Troopers were called into service for special operations missions.
Among the most well-trained and deadliest troopers the Empire has to offer are the Imperial EVO Troopers. EVO (or Environmental) Troopers are trained and equipped to withstand the harshest weather conditions a planet or moon has to offer. Fitted with advanced survival armor and armed with a FA-3 flechette launcher, these survivors can even resist a direct hit from a bolt of lightning. Their armor protects them from the electric shock and the energy is channeled through the FA-3 to produce a high powered stun blast.
Due to the fact that EVO Troopers can endure conditions such as intense heat, poisonous atmospheres and even acidic bodies of water, these troopers frequently found themselves on planets with high toxicity levels and stomping on the grounds of inhospitable worlds. Many of these toxic locations contain native species that become hostile from Imperial occupation. Numerous Stormtroopers were specially selected to be promoted and trained to become EVO Troopers if they had shown prior animosity towards other species.
EVO Troopers can be seen in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game as well as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed comic book. These highly trained troopers are even represented in merchandise. Hasbro has produced action figures of the 3.75 inch scale and Wizards of the Coast released a EVO Trooper piece for their Star Wars Miniatures game that was available in The Force Unleashed set.
Rebel Scum- Hasbro's 30th Anniversary Line
Rebel Scum- Hasbro's Legacy Collection Line
Wizards of the Coast mini figure from the Star Wars Miniatures game.
SOURCES: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Prima Official Game Guide.
NOTE: The article was written for SW ComLINKS anakinandhisangel.blogspot.com/p/comlinks.html
By: Eric Pfeifer