By: Kyle Scully
“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” featured many memorable moments from Rey’s training to the climatic battle but one stood out above the rest. I’m speaking, of course, about the legend himself, Babu Frik. He’s cute, he talks funny and he’s just so darn happy. What’s not to love? Hasbro released a small Babu Frik figure as part of their The Black Series toy line. Something was missing though, something soft and cuddly.
Mattel recently rectified that error with the release of their Babu Frik Talking Plush with a sculpted head. He retails for $24.99 at Target and is worth every penny. He comes with six voice clips that include all of his iconic lines (not that he had that many lines to begin with).
The toy itself is an interesting mix of plush and sculpted toy. Most of him is a cuddly, sweet plush toy that is perfect for hugs and Instagram photos. The head is fully sculpted along with his cute welding torch. Just like the droidsmith himself his head is oversized but also terrifically articulated. Highlights of the sculpted head include his bright, black eyes and stylish welding helmet. There isn’t anything that seems to be missing from this toy although I could always use more Babu Frik voice clips.
Now that they’ve designed a wonderful plush Babu Frik toy, all we need now is a shoulder puppet akin to the Galaxy’s Edge Salacious Crumb Kowakian Monkey-lizard. Could you imagine Babu Frik sitting on your shoulder shouting out adorable exclamations? I could but I know I shouldn’t. It’s not the Jedi way.
For the price, the attention to detail and the myriad of voice clips, it’s impossible not to recommend the Babu Frik Talking Plush. The force is strong with this toy.