The Resistance

The Force Awakens X-Wing Core Expansion

One of the best things about being a Star Wars collector is going hunting for new and exciting Star Wars merchandise.  About a week ago now, Force Friday concluded it's release of new Star Wars merchandise, apparel and collectibles.  One of my favorite pick-ups was the new X-Wing Core Set Expansion.

The Star Wars X-Wing game has been gaining a lot of momentum among the gaming and Star Wars communities.  Fantasy Flight does a great job making the game feel realistic and a lot of fun.  For the new expansion, all of the pieces relate to the new movie: The Force Awakens.  The ships are painted with the highest quality and the ships appear to be very accurately sculpted to the way they look in the upcoming film.  The ships include: 2 First Order TIE Fighters and a Resistance X-Wing.  This expansion acts as a starter pack and includes everything you'll need in order to play (cards, rules, mission booklets, dice, punch outs, ships, bases, turn dials, movement templates, and a range template).

This game, like many other table top games, requires a combination of luck and strategy to be successful.  In this expansion, the ships are comprised of 2 new factions, the Resistance (good guys) and The First Order (bad guys) as you can see from the symbol on the reverse side of the cards in the slideshow below.  These new factions are able to be combined with the old factions (Rebels and Imperials) in order to make an epic scale battle.  One of the most exciting characters that is made available for play in this set is Poe Dameron. Poe is a new X-Wing pilot that many of us are excited to learn more about in the upcoming film this December.  While Poe is seen briefly in the trailer, we don't know much about him.  Is he the new Wedge Antilles?  What we do know is that BB-8 fits in the back of Poe's X-Wing (as seen in the Poe Dameron X-Wing LEGO set).  BB-8 is also made available in this game as an upgrade card in which you can equip to one of your ships.  BB-8 and Poe Dameron will definitely be teaming up the next time I play!

Here is a full list of the pilots included with this set:

-Resistance (Poe Dameron, Blue Ace, Red Squadron Veteran, Blue Squadron Novice)

-The First Order (Omega Ace, Epsilon Leader, Zeta Ace, Omega Squadron Pilot x2, Zeta Squadron Pilot x2, Epsilon Squadron Pilot x2)

While this game takes a few times playing to fully get the hang of it, when it clicks, you will be hard pressed to want to leave the table!  This expansion/starter can be yours for the retail price of $39.99 plus tax among most carriers.

By: Eric Pfeifer

Twin Suns Outpost, LLC